Friday, February 16, 2007

is it friday yet?

Diddy has gone home to Mississippi.
i am so sad.
i would never have lived through the past week if he had not been here to help me. for every inch of poop i got on me, he got two inches. for every time i was puked on, he got it twice. And he was always the clean up crew. always. he would send me off to tend to my sick son - get him cleaned up and calmed down while he stripped the beds, started the laundry and mopped the floors. he woke up with me every time we heard smith cry. he slept sitting up in the hospital chair when there was a perfectly good empty bed 10 feet away.

he went to have lunch at school with middle child. He picked her up every day he could so she would not have to ride the school bus home. And of course stopped on the way home so she could pick out a snack (CANDY) for the 4.5 minute drive home.

he cooked bacon for my girls every single morning he was here. i NEVER cook bacon so that is a huge treat for them.

he read/listened to Sam read the same box of beginner books no less than 50 times. he finally asked me for different books because he feared Sam had memorized this group.

i know the vast majority of us love our dads. and i am not saying mine is perfect - but I would put my dad up against any dad for "Father of the Year." i just love him. i don't even have the words to thank him.

My Mom is here now. for a few days. and it's a whole new ball game. She says Smith looks worse than she anticipated. i tried to warn her.

He is eating more. and wants more to eat. i am still trying to go slow with him. i desperately want him to keep every morsel he puts in his mouth. cannot afford to go backwards again with this.

btw, did you see the recall for Peter Pan peanut butter yesterday. CDC says it has caused salmonella poisonings. i have an open jar in my pantry that matches the recall code.
yes, i have called them.


Anonymous said...

Makes you *almost* hope that it was the Peanut Butter. At least then you would KNOW what caused this shit-storm (LITERALLY)

Sorry that your Diddy had to go home, but at least he sent reinforcements. I too, love your dad and I don't even KNOW the man!!
But he's AWESOME!!!

I hope Smith feels better fast.

Love & warm thoughts your way T-Cole.

Mouthy Girl said...

Holy gamoly! Peanutbutter hell!

You are TOO right when you say you have an amazing Diddy! Hell, I haven't met the man and already adore him!

So glad Smith seems to be on the mend. Slow and steady with the vittles, sister. When he's ready for a PB&J, lemme know. You but the PB and I'll ship you some homemade JAM!

cadbury_vw said...

i'd like to be a dad like that some day

Anonymous said...

Maybe the dreaded "stool sample" will tell the tale?

Still in my prayers....

t_cole said...

thanks Cat. I feel the warmth! btw, your valentines are BEAUTIFUL!

BG - will give a yell when we are ready for the jam...

cadbury - bet you already are...

nfh - i hope it does. i really would like to put a name to all this misery.
my sincerest thanks for your prayers and support.

Big Pissy said...

I've told you this before, but it bears repeating: you have THE most amazing father!

I am just SO sorry poor Smith has been so sick. I hope for all y'alls sake that he gets better soon.

love ya, girl! :)


Anonymous said...

Glad he's on the road to recovery, even if it's in small steps, gives you a little tiny bit of sanity:)

Your Daddy is amazing, I just love him for being so good to you, makes me miss mine even more right now, so glad that your mom could come in to to help you.

HOLY CRAP on the peanut butter, when I first heard of it, I thought, T-Cole lives down that way, hope she doesn't have it, good LORD!

Lots of love to you Sista!
