Wednesday, February 21, 2007

white noise

there are moments, days even when i feel like screaming.
as loud as i can.
for as long as i can.
scream until i am empty.
void of air. of thought. of anger. of hurt. of confusion.
empty of responsibilities. of commitments. of guilt.
free of everything pulling me down into this pit i find myself sinking into.

just scream till it is all gone.

expelling all theses impurities from my system appeals to me on a very feral level.

as self preservation.

as a way to fight back against the world pushing down on me.
similar to how any animal will fight back when pushed into a corner.
this is how i feel - like i need to claw my way out of this corner.

and to start, all i want to do is



cadbury_vw said...

oh, cole

i feel for you

the pressure you are under

Anonymous said...


I'm thinking of you, I've been in similar corners from time to time. I'm wishing you a good yell and a quick journey out of this dark place. Lots of love to you.
