Monday, February 12, 2007

there are times i do not wish to be right

it is infrequent. that i do not enjoy being right. but it does happen.
i had hoped as i ranted and raved here last night that i was wrong.
that the Dr that sent my son home was right.
that he would be okay. that the worst was over.
i was not wrong.
i was entirely too right.

1AM awake to him screaming. his tummy hurts.
i reach for the meds they sent home with me for his tummy muscle spasms.
he refuses to take it.
my dad comes in to check on us.
my hand slides down to son's tummy
it is distended. swollen. grossly exaggerated beyond it's normal bounds.
it is the worst feeling human body i have ever felt beneath my fingers.
it is my son.
his emaciated body now has a tummy tighter and more bloated than an overinflated basketball.
my daddy feels it. i see the fear on his face mirroring that in my gut.
he wakes my mother in law. we throw on clothes. i grab my purse. son is screaming.
jump in the van and daddy drives like a maniac to the nearest ER - 3 minutes away.
my son's guts let loose on the way. he is soiled through when we get there.
this is the only time in any of my children's lives they have ridden in a vehicle on a public road without a child safety seat. EVER.
i held him tightly in my arms.

i jump out at the ER doors. run in with son in arms like a crazy woman.
i remember some woman telling me to fill out a form
i remember looking at her like she was mad.
the triage nurse took me by the arm and guided me and screaming son back to a quiet room
his insides are still spilling out the bottom. before long, out the top too.
they started another IV.
i blurt out the week's history.
i clean up my son. i clean up myself - as best i can. my daddy is there every step of the way.
call hubby and wake him up at home. ( i was spending night at in-law's)
ER doc comes back and tells me they have called OTHER large children's hospital in dallas and they are coming to get us.
by ambulance.
highlight of my sick sick son's week was riding in the ambulance. i kid you not.
so we spent from 2:30-ish AM till 2:30-ish PM in the ER under observation and having every conceivable test run on our son.
diagnosis - tummy ache.
severe case of gastroenteritis.
every thing else ruled out.
nothing new.
but i finally got a doc with some experience and real life advice that would listen to me.
he offered to admit us and allow us to stay overnight. he said all they would do is observe. no need for meds. no need for IV. we could do that at home where 3 in 4 people do NOT have the flu.
we went home.
am at the in-law's again tonight.
3 minutes from the nearest ER.
He awoke a few minutes ago - his tummy tight.
i am not freaking out.
just trying to help him toot.
he is resting again.
bottom up in the air.
aroma is choking - to say the least.


Anonymous said...

you are in my prayers.

t_cole said...

thank you.
i need many.

Anonymous said...

Oh T.Cole, I'm so sorry, you've had it horribly rough this past couple of weeks, I'm so sorry dear woman!

I hope the kids are ALL better soon, you and they are in my prayers as well, you are a trooper of epic proportions!

Much love to you!

Three Score and Ten or more said...

I'm praying for the little guy. that kind of thing may not be hell, but its close enough for me.