Sunday, April 15, 2007

true friends...

one of my brothers has often said you find out who your true friends are when you move and when you need a character witness. (don't ask how he knows about the second one.)

in any event, i am going to need a true friend for one or the other reasons soon. because:

A. I am either moving or

B. I am going to kill my hubby for not kicking it into high gear and helping me move.

any takers???


Mouthy Girl said...

When are you moving, and what help do you need? I moved at least 17 times as a kid. I know how to pack and label better than those so-called professionals! Shall I plan a visit to Texas?

Big Pissy said...

I moved my girls soooooo many times when they were in college (and since then too).

I'm sure I must qualify as a professional.

When do I need to be there?

t_cole said...

Yes, I knew i could count on both of you girls - and then moving might just be fun.

But are ya still with me on the character witness if it does end being option B???

Big Pissy said...

Character witness?


I just couldn't help you kill anybody.

I don't think I'd do well under lock-down conditions.

The lack of pink would be unbearable. ;-)

Mouthy Girl said...

Pissy can be a witness for the both of us if it comes to Plan B.

However, I think you should just take a week by YOURSELF and allow me to swoop down on your home and hubby. He'll welcome you home with open, grateful arms by the time I'm through with him. I think torture is a much better plan than murder.

cadbury_vw said...

looking to see how it's going

do a post with a basic bit of info - one line:

1) swimmingly


2) insane as expected


3) this truly sucks

thinking of you