do not consume (an) alcoholic beverage(s) and then operate a motor vehicle in a public place on or about ANY date in ANY county in ANY state.
and if you do, be prepared to testify in an open court on what you had to eat, where you ate, who you ate with, what time you got there, what time you left, what you were wearing, who you talked to, etc.
and if you do, be prepared to testify in an open court on what you had to eat, where you ate, who you ate with, what time you got there, what time you left, what you were wearing, who you talked to, etc.
because even if you are not intoxicated (as defined by the letter of the law) and have a wreck - you will automatically be assumed to be intoxicated by law enforcement. as you probably should be.
and then you will have to hire a very expensive, very good lawyer to defend you in open CRIMINAL court in front of rank strangers who will - invariably, whilst deciding your innocence or guilt - make judgements on your life, character, parenting ability, et al.
if i learned nothing else this week - a beer or two with dinner out is simply not worth the potential trouble.
not worth the trouble at all. the cost. the humiliation. the emotional angst.
and then you will have to hire a very expensive, very good lawyer to defend you in open CRIMINAL court in front of rank strangers who will - invariably, whilst deciding your innocence or guilt - make judgements on your life, character, parenting ability, et al.
if i learned nothing else this week - a beer or two with dinner out is simply not worth the potential trouble.
not worth the trouble at all. the cost. the humiliation. the emotional angst.
you can heed my advice or find out for yourself...
and one other thing - consider this free legal advice
If you are ever administered a field sobriety test and you are NOT intoxicated:
1. assume it is being video-taped
2. you are 'graded/scored' on the test not ONLY by how you perform, but by how well you listen to the test instructions. For ex., if the officer tells you to place your feet a certain way and stand that way through out the instruction phase, STAND THAT WAY. Do not move a muscle - as that could/will count against you.
3. if you do not COMPLETELY understand the instructions given before you begin the test - ASK QUESTIONS.
4. blood test for BAC are more accurate than a breath sample. and take longer.
if you ARE intoxicated - nothing personal - but i hope you fail the test miserably.
save us all from what i (we) went through this week
and one other thing - consider this free legal advice
If you are ever administered a field sobriety test and you are NOT intoxicated:
1. assume it is being video-taped
2. you are 'graded/scored' on the test not ONLY by how you perform, but by how well you listen to the test instructions. For ex., if the officer tells you to place your feet a certain way and stand that way through out the instruction phase, STAND THAT WAY. Do not move a muscle - as that could/will count against you.
3. if you do not COMPLETELY understand the instructions given before you begin the test - ASK QUESTIONS.
4. blood test for BAC are more accurate than a breath sample. and take longer.
if you ARE intoxicated - nothing personal - but i hope you fail the test miserably.
save us all from what i (we) went through this week
So did you find the defendant guilt or not guilty? My aunt sat on a jury like this for a drunk driver and according to the letter of the law, they found him not guilty.
this was not guilty too.
and i did not have a problem with this verdict at all.
while it is completely possible for him to have been intoxicated - by the definition of the law - it was also just as likely that given his age, weight, having had a full meal and having been physically active that evening - that he was not intoxicated.
therefore we decided that the ADA did not meet the burden of proof for beyond all reasonable doubt.
i am sleeping just fine.
but it was certainly a lesson in leaving nothing to doubt. no drinks. no driving. no trial in open court for suspicion of DWI
Yeesh. I'm glad I don't drink anymore. I also hope that when my mother in law comes to visit next month, she'll FINALLY get caught drinking and driving.
I have Jury duty on June 4th. I hope I make it to the jury. I sat for a Federal case a few years ago and that was COOL! FBI guys & treasury agents & forensic specialists...OH MY!
Last time I was called for local duty, I ddin't even make it voir dire, just sat in the waiting room all day. No fun.
good luck BG - on getting the MIL busted. The things we think of...
and Cat - I hope you get picked too. I always find the judicial process very interesting and a very welcome reprieve from the day in/day out routine that is my life.
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