I am a self-professed, natural-born Drama Queen.
I am the Drama Queens' Drama Queen.
It's all about ME, ME, ME!
If All The World Is A Stage....
I want better lighting,
A bigger dressing room,
I can complete for the spotlight with the absolute very best of them.
But I gotta tell ya, this center of the universe stuff is really starting to take it's toll on me.
Surgery last week. EXCELLENT attention getter.
Recovery. A week behind in my work.
and i have told you over the years that i LOVE my job. and as any Drama Queen would say, I am actually VERY GOOD at my job too.
'cept maybe for yesterday. one of my NYC customers - that does not like me for some unknown reason - escalates a project i am working on for him. (Also a fabulous way to draw attention to yourself) Fine. I had made my mgmnt aware of it last week - as i KNEW he (NYC A-hole) would escalate this.
so my manager calls him. NYC A-hole proceeds to yell at my mgr. It just so happens that my mgr is from NYC too. He yelled back. They yelled at each other for a while and then my manager called me.
In any event, i left the conversation/situation so beyond pissed off, i had the shakes - literally - for three hours yesterday.
Yes, I had jury duty this week.
And guess who got selected out of 50+ people to sit on the SIX person panel.
Say hello to juror #4.
That would be me.
Your truly
your favorite Drama Queen.
Hello, people I have only been off pain meds for three days. I haven't gone a day without a nap in almost two weeks.
My husband was actually "angry" with me (his words, not mine) for not trying to opt out of jury duty. I have a strong sense of civic duty when it comes to jury duty, voting and things like that. i opted out the last time when the baby sitter had the flu. in the same courthouse. Didn't feel right about trying that this time. Plus, i thought what are the chances i'll get picked...
Yeah. Right.
Back to that Drama Queen thing....
It's all about me.
for sure.
but it is starting to get old.
Obat Herpes
8 years ago
Yuo're taking on quite a bit for someone who is still recovering. I managed to avoid being called as a juror a couple of weeks ago. And I was all set to do it too. Figures. Give 'em hell Ms. Drama Queen!
i just read your last two posts
drama queen indeed
let me tell you about my little toenail that got partially torn off...
[i hope that something starts to get better soon]
Hi Reg and C - Two of my fav blog buds. 'preciate the love you're sending. and the support.
what i really need is a crystal ball. either of you got one up your sleeves?
The suspense of not knowing what the NEXT BIG DRAMA will be is just about to kill me...
oh, and C - go easy on the little toe. that gave me the chills....
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