Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Confessions of a Drama Queen

I am a self-professed, natural-born Drama Queen.

I am the Drama Queens' Drama Queen.

It's all about ME, ME, ME!

If All The World Is A Stage....
I want better lighting,
A bigger dressing room,

I can complete for the spotlight with the absolute very best of them.

But I gotta tell ya, this center of the universe stuff is really starting to take it's toll on me.

Surgery last week. EXCELLENT attention getter.
Recovery. A week behind in my work.
and i have told you over the years that i LOVE my job. and as any Drama Queen would say, I am actually VERY GOOD at my job too.

'cept maybe for yesterday. one of my NYC customers - that does not like me for some unknown reason - escalates a project i am working on for him. (Also a fabulous way to draw attention to yourself) Fine. I had made my mgmnt aware of it last week - as i KNEW he (NYC A-hole) would escalate this.

so my manager calls him. NYC A-hole proceeds to yell at my mgr. It just so happens that my mgr is from NYC too. He yelled back. They yelled at each other for a while and then my manager called me.

In any event, i left the conversation/situation so beyond pissed off, i had the shakes - literally - for three hours yesterday.


Yes, I had jury duty this week.

And guess who got selected out of 50+ people to sit on the SIX person panel.
Say hello to juror #4.

That would be me.
Your truly
your favorite Drama Queen.

Hello, people I have only been off pain meds for three days. I haven't gone a day without a nap in almost two weeks.

My husband was actually "angry" with me (his words, not mine) for not trying to opt out of jury duty. I have a strong sense of civic duty when it comes to jury duty, voting and things like that. i opted out the last time when the baby sitter had the flu. in the same courthouse. Didn't feel right about trying that this time. Plus, i thought what are the chances i'll get picked...

Yeah. Right.
Back to that Drama Queen thing....

It's all about me.
for sure.
but it is starting to get old.


Pat & Reg said...

Yuo're taking on quite a bit for someone who is still recovering. I managed to avoid being called as a juror a couple of weeks ago. And I was all set to do it too. Figures. Give 'em hell Ms. Drama Queen!

cadbury_vw said...

i just read your last two posts

drama queen indeed

let me tell you about my little toenail that got partially torn off...

[i hope that something starts to get better soon]

t_cole said...

Hi Reg and C - Two of my fav blog buds. 'preciate the love you're sending. and the support.

what i really need is a crystal ball. either of you got one up your sleeves?
The suspense of not knowing what the NEXT BIG DRAMA will be is just about to kill me...

oh, and C - go easy on the little toe. that gave me the chills....