Monday, January 09, 2006

two things....

1. we are puppy-sitting tonight. so in addition to our new NON-house-trained, pee and poop everywhere, i stay at home and take care of all day puppy, we have one of her brother's for a sleep-over. No, they are not sleeping in my bed. but i digress. i am trying to be brief. Dang, it's painful.

did i ever tell you that one of my mom's friends told me that if i could find a job where they would pay me to talk - i'd be a very rich woman. I'm still looking. again, digression. my apologies...

so they - the puppies - are playing in the kitchen. husband says - and i quote - "we should get another one so she has someone to play with."
i take one look at him, ascertain he is half-way serious and then tell him "stop talking to me." He opens his mouth again and i all but yell "GO AWAY FROM ME SPAWN OF SATAN!"

2. my daughters are professional whiners. the sound of their whining goes straight through me - like a dull hatchet. every day. makes be batty. i have yet to come up with a method for stopping or reducing it. i try different tricks on a regular basis. tonight, in a vain attempt to have daughter #1 cease and desist on the whinnnninnnnggg, i finally ask her through clinched teeth - "Do you want a Happy Mommy or a Mad & Crazy Mommy????"

her dead pan, perfect timing, non-whining response...
"a Happy Crazy Mommy"

i wasn't aware that was an option...


t_cole said...

for the puppy to be house-trained and the girls to stop whinnnniiinnnnggg.
then i'm all over that book...

Zephyr said...

OMG lol @ happy & crazy mommy. That's me!!!! Finally I can fulfil expectations! :)

I can't offer any suggestions on the puppy cause I don't like dogs. But I hate to tell you that girls NEVER stop whining. Boys run through the house, wrestle until they have rug burns, and have nonstop fake (or often real) wars. Girls whine. It's what they do.

When it gets to me, I go hide in my closet with the lights off. That always worked until they decided mommy was playing hide and seek and came looking for me. Fortunately they're older now and they just celebrate mom being out of their hair.

t_cole said...

not stop whining ever? i am going to slit my wrists - or buy a vineyard...

i kinda like the happy crazy mommy thing too - gonna have to work that angle.

Big Pissy said...

HAHAHA! "Happy crazy Mama" it is! That is TOO cute!

t_cole said...

i'm not sure i know how to seperate the two! but i'll keep you in the loop on this.

yep, bp, it fits, don' cha think??


Pixie said...

I think a happy crazy mom suits you to a tee =)

t_cole said...

thanks Pixie.
I do too!

Nobody said...

he he he

Oh, I SO live it. Even with 2 boys. The whining was so out of control last night...

"Mamaaaaaa, he HIT me!"

"Mamaaaaaaa, he threw my SNAKE dow thelaundry chute!"

... I had a MDM (Mommy Dearest Moment) myself.

Feel you sista'!